Cloth Diapers Made Easy
Why Cloth Diapers? Let's Talk About the Benefits
Apr 25, 2018
Season 1
Episode 2
Spray Pal
Join Jen and Dave Aprea, owners and founders of Spray Pal products to make cloth diapering EASY, as we discuss the reasons why families choose cloth diapers.Lots of families who consider cloth diapers need a little persuasion to take the leap, so they start off by asking us the benefits. Besides the obvious: being more eco-friendly and saving money, we'll also discuss some of the unexpected bonuses that come along with choosing cloth over disposables.If you're looking to get started with cloth, you'll definitely want to check out our Cloth Diapering Starter Kit which includes everything you need to get going on your cloth diapering journey at a low, bundle price: